Dobbs Firearm Training - Help Desk » Knowledgebase » Will the PFEC results include information about my criminal history?
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Will the PFEC results include information about my criminal history?
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No. The Firearms Eligibility Notice will indicate you are either: 1) eligible to both possess and purchase firearms as of the date the check was conducted; 2) ineligible to either possess or purchase firearms as of the date the check was conducted; 3) Eligible to possess, but ineligible to purchase firearms as of the date the check was conducted; or 4) as of the date the check was conducted a definitive firearms possession eligibility determination could not be made. A determination cannot be made if, for instance, a person has a firearms-prohibiting arrest in his or her record, but there is not a corresponding disposition.

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Date Added
2021-03-09 12:03:39